Code of Ethics

Our mission defines the values we share and our clear vision that we strive to achieve to ensure long-term business success. Our values such as quality, responsibility, openness, transparency, inventiveness, as well as respect for laws and ethics, are embedded in the Integrated Management System Policy and play a vital role in fulfilling the mission and vision. We have been building our values as a corporate culture since the establishment of the company.
Our company and the culture we continuously build are us, a community of quality individuals and competent professionals, gathered in a team working together to achieve business goals and success.
The way we achieve business success is equally important to us as the business success itself, so it is grounded in our corporate culture and subordinated to regulations, morality, and integrity. In this regard, we have recognized that the company culture and commitment to ethical behavior are the most important components and solid foundations of our business success and overall company development.
In this sense, a Code has been adopted in our company as a framework and guide for business behavior that is consistent with moral and legal norms because, as stated, integrity is more important to us than any short-term business success.
The Code of Ethics is our internal document but at the same time a guarantee to partners, the state, and society as a whole, and it should serve each of us as a guide to the growth of our business values. It is expected of us to apply the highest standards both in fulfilling our mutual obligations and obligations towards business partners, towards our company, the environment, and the community in which we operate.
The Code applies equally to members of the management, managers, and all employees as well as to all legal and natural persons who carry out any activities for and on behalf of KOTO LTD and represent it to third parties.
KOTO LTD is proud of its business history, and a bright future is ahead of us, so everyone must participate in efforts to realize the full potential of our company.
KOTO thanks everyone for their collective or personal contribution and dedication to our common goal - preserving KOTO’s leading position in the construction market, which also includes maintaining its business reputation and integrity..