Company policy
- Aware of our social responsibility, we strictly uphold laws, business ethics, and good business practices.
- Our commitment is to build the best partnerships with socially responsible companies, based on equality, trust, fairness, and ethics.
- Complete product/service quality management and implementation of all aspects of the integrated quality system, environmental protection, business continuity, business ethics, occupational health and safety, information security, and energy management in all our operations are our primary goals.
- Our employees, with continuous competence improvement through training and education, are a guarantee of our business growth, ethics, and business security.
- We identify and estimate potential hazards to minimize risks to the environment, occupational health and safety, information security, business continuity, and business ethics, and overall operations.
- In our operations, we apply modern technologies and equipment, procure and use environmentally and energy-efficient materials that are safe from the perspective of their impact on the working and living environment and the safety and health of employees.
- We are committed to the constant care of the health and safety of our employees and other stakeholders.
- We are dedicated to preserving all types of assets and the confidentiality of our partners’ data in our business activities.
- We encourage creativity and teamwork among employees, recognizing that this is one of the key advantages of our company in the market.
- We pay special attention to information security to protect the information assets of both our own and our business partners from all internal, external, intentional, or accidental threats.
- Business continuity management is our daily activity, ensuring the safe continuation of key business functions and sectors after serious incidents and accidents, or their return to operation within an acceptable time frame and the continuation of product and service delivery at an acceptable, previously defined level.
- We are professional, conscientious, transparent, and honest in every business dealing with any interested party and committed to conducting our business activities without unfair influence of bribery and corruption.
- One of the continuous activities at all levels of management and implementation of business activities is energy management and improving energy efficiency based on the responsibility of each employee for the tasks they perform.
- Through the integrated system of quality, environmental protection, information security, business continuity, business ethics, occupational health and safety, and energy management, we are building a socially responsible company, both towards employees and the wider community, and this is our enduring commitment.